· President of PIMEC Training and Employment
· Director of Villa Retiro Cooking School
Imma estivill
Facilitators of personal growth and organizational improvement processes.
This is the mission that identifies me, that gives meaning to my life. It is, therefore, the engine that moves me in all areas and that together with my values, it shapes how I travel through this world.
I consider myself as an enterprising person (at the age of 18 I had set up my own company), dynamic, eager to live every moment from the presence and awareness, always looking for the positive side of the coin, trying to live the successes from the humility so that they allow me to continually grow as a person. My daily motto paints my actions while helping me to manage them from an emotional point of view: “From my healthy condition, I will be able to make my environment like this too. However, from the pathological side I will not be able to generate a healthy condition “. My curiosity, my knowledge, my understanding of different realities… moves me, with an aim of achieving a broader and a richer view of life.
One of the values that moves me the most is to contribute, whatever the scope and always, from the sum of synergies; transformations and improvements that contribute to society in its development. That is why, since my beginning as an entrepreneur, I have been actively involved in associational movements in the business world. From this point of view, I have contributed to improvements from my comprehension , added to the knowledge of other entrepreneurs within the Baix Camp region through the Chamber of Commerce, at provincial and sectoral level presiding over the association Catformació de Tarragona, currently presiding over the training and employment sector of Pimec at the level of Catalonia, from where we ensure the proper implementation of laws related to the sector and the efficient and effective distribution of resources for active employment policies, to achieve better results from the sum of an agent in this sector, etc.
I carry out training, both at Pimec, taking open courses and in companies that require it within the areas of personal development, team management and sales. I chair the training and employment sector of Pimec, whose mission is to defend this sector and ensure its progress. I advise on improvement processes to different companies, organizations and cooperatives that require me or request it through programs such as Accelerate. I run the Villa Retiro cooking school and I also do private coaching processes.

Get to know some personal experiences
El seu esperit crític i constructiu és font d’aportació de valor, generador de processos optimitzats i base per acompanyar equips que esdevenen potents i autònoms.
Per últim, la seva vàlua humana genera entorns de complicitat i aprenentatge compartit que depassen àmpliament l’àmbit professional i m’han aportat creixement i gran satisfacció personal.
X. Riu
La cabra boja més divertida que conec, amiga incondicional, que no parla massa i que estimo bojament!
Imma. Desinbolta hiperactiva, amiga dels seus amics, detallista. Has d’anar, però, en compte perquè, com els felins, quan estàs distret es llença tan afectuosament que et deixa fora de combat.
Amb rauxa i emprenedoria i amb certa bojeria. Si entre nosaltres féssim un castell, seria l’anxaneta. Segurament fariem llenya. Peró seria l’unica atrevida a fer-ho.
l’alegria de la huerta! Sempre fidel al nostre grup per més temporades que passem sense veure’ns.
IMMA Tot nervi, tota vitalitat, ganes de viure cada moment. Una manera de ser que s’encomana.
Hola Imma,
Moltes gràcies per tot. Ha estat un curs molt distés. Aquest any he fet varis cursos i et puc dir que ets dels que més exercicis en grup i pràctics ha passat. Ha estat molt enriquidor. Abans es demanat la nota i jo crec que encara estic a nivell principiant. Tot això s’ha d’anar practicant però tu has posat les bases. Merci
Georgina J.
¡Hola Imma!
Solamente quería comentarte que he disfrutado mucho del curso, de las dinámicas y que creo que ha resultado muy útil no sólo para aprender herramientas para la gestión del tiempo sino también en mi caso me ha servido para reflexionar también respecto de mis prioridades, y de la repercusión que tiene en todos los aspectos de la vida tomar consciencia de lo que realmente importa.
Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos y tu experiencia.
¡Nos vemos en el próximo curso!
Marian G.
Bon vespre. Us envio aquest correu amb la intenció de fer-vos arribar, tant a l’Imma com a tots els companys que hem compartit aquesta formació, el meu agraïment per la vostra generositat. Desitjo tornar a coincidir algun dia amb tots vosaltres. Una abraçada gran!
Sonia F.
Bona tarda Imma, abans de que “no em quedi temps”, per escriure´t, vull donar-te les gràcies per tot el que ens has explicat, em proposo posar-ho en pràctica!
Disculpa que no hagi respost a alguns dels teus comentaris, miraré de fer els exercicis sense pressa, i dedicar-los més temps, perquè reconec que algun el podria haver fet amb més dedicació.
Moltes gràcies,
Gemma M.
Volia agrair-te tot el que ens has ensenyat, personalment m’ha ajudat molt i m’ha fet veure moltes coses. M’ha encantat, i ara, en el moment personal i laboral en el què em trobo, crec que es molt positiu per mi. Felicitar-te per com transmets! Espero ens puguem trobar aviat… si més no, segur que intentaré seguir-te per alguna banda!
Moltes gràcies i una abraçada enorme! Ets una tia fantàstica!
Laura T.
Hola Imma,
volia aprofitar per donar-te les gràcies per aquestes classes, que he trobat molt interessants, i pel teu saber fer en les explicacions, els exercicis, etc. Ja tinc el cuquet per saber-ne més
Maite P.
Moltes gràcies Imma!
Ha estat un plaer fer aquesta formació amb tu, realment fas que sigui tot molt entenedor. Una altra cosa és la pràctica, que quan t’hi poses ja no ho veus tan fàcil! ha,ha,ha…! T’agraeixo també la insistència a fer-nos posar en situació i participar tot i el format virtual, personalment crec que aquesta formació seria més efectiva amb presencialitat, però entenc les circumstàncies actuals i no ens queda més remei que adaptar-nos!
Raquel A.
Bon dia Imma, vull donar-te personalment les gracies pel curs realitzat, per la teva forma tan propera i natural de portar el curs. M’he trobat molt a gust dons m’encanta el tracte proper i transparent. Jo personalment crec que es una forma excel·lent de comunicar-nos i jo també la practico de forma natural, així tal qual, sense “tapujos” ( dintre d’un ordre, es clar ) …ho trobo tan auto – terapèutic !!! )
Rafael M.
Te quería dar las gracias por todas tus aportaciones, por hacer tan dinámico y práctico un curso cuya teoría es poco densa…, por ser siempre una sonrisa continua y por tu buen carácter. ¡Ha sido genial!
¡¡¡¡Quiero decirte que has sentado un precedente y ahora…analizo el proceso de venta hasta en el supermercado!!!!
Marta P. N.
Hem tingut molta sort de conèixer l’Imma Estivill, ha representat un abans i un després per a la nostra empresa. Gràcies als seus consells, acompanyament, suggeriments i demostracions de noves estratègies a seguir, em pogut tirar endavant amb el nostre progecte malgrat la crisi, obrir nous camps i noves propostes per als nostres clients i sobretot a aprendre en tot tipus de gestions, tant d’ordre intern com de relació amb les administracions. Esperem seguir comptant amb aquesta gran professional durant molts anys.
N. Simon
Conocí a Inma en una formación de Coaching hace 3 años y desde el primer momento, me encantó su manera de comunicar y de empatizar con las personas.
Es una COACH EXCEPCIONAL, siempre atenta a las necesidades de las personas a quien acompaña. Nuestras conversaciones han sido siempre enriquecedoras y me han ayudado a salir de ellas con energía renovada.
Sin duda una gran profesional, y sobre todo, una gran persona.
Quan vam conèixer la Imma, el Consell Esportiu del Baix Camp estàvem creixent molt però aquest mateix creixement ràpid ens portava un cert desordre. El dia a dia ens menjava i no posàvem l’atenció necessària en la planificació ni destinàvem temps a fer els procediments adequadament.
La Imma ens va guiar i tutoritzar en l’elaboració dels procediments. Entendre de forma racional que vol dir planificar per tenir unes perspectives de futur millors i un creixement més ordenat
J. Bartolí
L’Imma és un persona de mirada àmplia i tranversal, amb alta capacitat d’empatitzar i entendre les necessitats que les empreses i persones tenim, tant en el àmbit de la formació com de la gestió i suport a l’equip humà.
La seva energia, impuls i perseverança són el motor de la nostra col·laboració i el recorregut que anem fent junts. Actualitza permanentment els seus coneixements i aporta diferents solucions a les necessitats que ens apareixen.
X. Riu
It all starts with personal concern, geared towards global growth.
Coaching Master from the IEC
Industrial Psychology Master from the UPC
European Master in Management of Training Centers
Pedagogical Adaptation Course
Geography and History Degree
Teaching with the specialty of Social Sciences
Currently exercising.
Guidance expert of the Economic Development Postgraduate Course
Catalan Association of Municipalities, Girona (2014/2015 academic year).
Postgraduate Course in Economic Development coordinator
Catalan Association of Municipalities (2010/2011 academic year).
Management Skills Training
Development of courses in relation to managerial skills in different client companies of Aula and, specifically, for the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Catalonia (fifteen cooperatives).
The courses are based on: sale to non-sellers; interpersonal communication; managerial skills (empathy, leadership, change management, positivity, motivation, etc.); talk in public; resilience training; internal and external communication system in a company; drawing a business plan; others (to date).
Trainer in CSR issues
(to date)
Trainer of Trainers
Application methodologies in the PGS, programs design for difficult groups, occupational training evaluation (to date).

PIMEC Foundation Technical Director
Programs design for the employment groups at social exclusion risk, reconciliation programs and needs detection of the business fabric and training courses in CSR (up until 2008).

Skills and people management trainer
Variety of courses taught: qualified directives; communication skills; personal coaching; organizational coaching; internal communication systems; service quality; sale to non-sellers; customer service; emotional intelligence; change management; knowledge management; team leadership; teams and people (to date).
Improvement Processes in SMEs facilitator
Organizational improvement processes development where the key lies within the combination of personal improvements, combined with organizational improvements (the improvement of the company does not become possible, if the structural changes do not combine with the personal ones). By providing tools to companies so that they can work independently, I develop my business with an average of five companies per year (to date).
Currently: KEY; CEVIPE; 4R Hotels Group; Costa Dorada Hotel Association; Ardagh; MEYPAR; CDI; i, LSP.

HR Department Manager
Employee selection and human resources advice (up until 2007).

Business Organization Consultant in HR field
Improvement processes management (to date).
Implementations adviser of Quality Systems.
ISO:9001 i EFQM (to date).
Adviser on training issues for companies
Outsourcing of the Aula Empresa department itself (to date).
Career Guidance Teacher
(to date)

Manager - Aula Training Center
Management of a Training Center for thirty years, in which several lines of business have been developed: Occupational Training; Continuing Education; FORCEM management; Training Management; Employment Guidance and Intermediation Service; Support; Learning; Training in Company; PIRMIS; Social Security Programs; Preparation for the Higher Degree Training Cycles Tests Access; Psychopedagogy Service; Summer Activities.
The training team has twenty-five permanent employees and twenty-five non-permanent employees.
The main staff consisted of twelve people from whom, my tasks as a director were based on: commercial; group management (basically of the three main areas: Business Classroom, Study Classroom and Management Classroom); design of Aula Company programs and development of Aula Management projects; and technique in Human Resources in the area of Classroom Management ( up until 2016).

Support teacher
Private lessons development in the specialty of mathematics, statistics, physics and chemistry at the Baccalaureate level (up until 2004).

Province of Tarragona representative of the Catalan Business Association, in order to develop a lobby to reach politicians about the concerns of businessmen and managers (up to now).

Reus Chamber of Commerce
Legislature member from 2006 - 2010; Plenary member and Training Commission chairman from 2010 - 2019 legislature.

Tarragona Association of the Federation of Associations of Training Centers president (up until 2007).

Association of Young Entrepreneurs of the Province of Tarragona member and founder.

Participation in the AGORA quality development project within the company (up until 2007).

PIMECs representation from the institutional level in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility; Training Commission member; and, Occupational and Qualification Services Sector president.

PIMEC Baix Camp
Member of the Board and representative of the entity in all matters related to training and employment throughout the province of Tarragona (up to now).

PIMEC Catalunya
Employment and Qualification sector president (up to now).

Courses in the field of personal development
Coaching techniques; Communication Systems in the company; Good Communicator Skills; Change Management; NLP as a tool for personal improvement; Practitioner, master and trainer’s training in NLP.
Seminars in the field of education
Motivation; Tools for Managing Conflict in the Classroom; Design and Planning of Training Actions; Strategies for Improving School Performance; Attention to Diversity; Quality in a Training Center.
Seminars in the business field
Finance for non-financiers; Management of HR and materials in a company in the services sector; how to draw a Business Plan in an SME; Team Leadership; Emotional Intelligence; Time Management; Laughter therapy; Win to Win; Efficient Meeting Management; Insertion and Labor Intermediation; Corporate Social Responsibility; Skills of a good Communicator; Interpersonal Communication Course.
Course for Quality Managers
Quality Auditors Course with ECA's title.
Course that enables performance of audits.